Back Open for the 2022 Season

Hello all! We are back and ready to serve you up with the delicious and healthy foods that you have come from Island Smoothie Cafe. We will be open from now until deep into the fall season so get used [...]

As Covid Numbers Improve Masks Become Optional

Its been a tough two years for people on planet Earth. The pandemic known as Covid-19 has spread like wildfire and left many victims in its path. Even as we developed vaccines and anti-viral treatments, the virus mutated and seemed [...]

2021 Year in Review for Island Smoothie

Happy New Year to everyone reading this. We hope that 2022 will be a great one for you. 2021 certainly had its share of challenges but we find ourselves in a new calendar year now with a renewed sense of [...]

Did the TV Show “Outer Banks” Result in More Visitors This Year?

In case you hadn't heard there is a hit TV show on Netflix called "Outer Banks". It is a teen drama which has captivated the imagination of teenagers and adults alike. The show is set in Outer Banks North Carolina. [...]

Summer May be Officially Gone but the Smoothies are Still Here

This week marked the official end of summer on the calendar. But with temperatures still in the 70's and 80's, Island Smoothie is the place to get your cool, refreshing, healthy beverage. The surf is still up and even when [...]

The Origins of Coffee

Coffee. This delicious yet strange drink which has taken the world by storm centuries ago has never let up. What is it and where did it come from? In certain parts of the world there are other warm drinks which [...]

When is the Last Time You had a Cobb Salad?

If it has been awhile, it is time for you to come out of Cobb retirement. That's because Island Smoothie now offer a Cobb salad that is out of this world. Ingredients: Greens - Only the freshest and the bestest. [...]

Upcoming Events in the OBX – May 2021

Its the most exciting time of year for OBX'ers. The water is warm, the sun is hot and we have plenty of things to do. Besides the usual tanning and surfing on the beach, the Outer Banks comes alive with [...]

Outer Banks Will be “Close to Normal” for 2021

The pandemic which has wrecked the economy and countless lives is finally starting to get under control. This is because the vaccines which were developed are being administered at a rapid pace, up to 3 million per day in fact. [...]

History of the Smoothie

We serve delicious smoothies, fruit bowls and coffee all spring and summer and into the fall. Our customers know that we provide the very best quality ingredients available. Smoothies are our top item. So we figured we would use this [...]