Every once in a while, a blogger or opinion writer will post online that they believe smoothies are bad for you. They will then go into specific types of smoothies which when you really drill down on the details, are actually not very good for you. These smoothies include artificial sweeteners and questionable supplements, so it is no wonder they are not very healthy.
The author might also go into some tangent about carbs and sugars. This is only a problem if you are on a restricted carb diet. For the vast majority of people, getting your daily carbs from an all-natural fruit smoothie is a healthy choice.
Yes, it’s true that many smoothies from retail locations will have artificial sweeteners, corn syrup, artificial flavors and other not-so-good ingredients. That’s why it is important to confirm with the store that they only use all natural and raw ingredients. Here at Island Smoothie, our fruit is fresh and everything is all-natural. You can ask for supplements if you like.
If you are unable to confirm what the other stores use, there are some hints you can use to your advantage. Is the smoothie super cheap and from a giant chain? Well, the old adage that you get what you pay for exists for a reason.
When they are preparing your smoothie are they adding syrups or mystery liquids to the mix? Don’t be afraid to jump in there and politely ask what that ingredient is. You have a right to know what is entering your body after all.
Supplements are not all bad. If you need more fiber in your diet it doesn’t hurt to add a supplement. But it is important to remember that you can get a lot of the stuff you need from natural sources too. Check to see what kind of seeds or granola you can add onto your acai bowl, should you decide to order one.
You can even get healthy fats from sources like Avocado and nuts. Nature has a natural source for everything you need.
New misconceptions and rumors about nutrition appear every day, but it’s critical to debunk them and look for information that helps us better understand what is and isn’t beneficial. To be honest, it’s the only way to make health-related decisions that are genuinely informed.
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