Health Benefits of Coffee

  • Island Smoothie Cafe
  • 11 March 2020

Coffee is often looked at by the general public as an energy drink. Something that will give you a little bit of a caffeine pick-me-up to get the day rolling. But coffee has health benefits as well.

It is important to remember to only consume coffee and other caffeine beverages if you have a healthy heart. Any stimulant can be bad for an unhealthy heart.

Here is a quick list of benefits of drinking coffee:

  • Increases your fiber intake. Keeps you regular. Coffee contains up to 1.8 grams of fiber.
  • Can help protect your liver from cirrhosis according to this scientific study.
  • According to European Journal of Neurology coffee can help lower your risk of getting Alzheimer’s. 
  • Coffee can help reduce risk of Parkinson’s disease according to this study.
  • In Korea, they found that people who drink 3-5 cups of coffee per day have lower rates of heart disease.
  • According to the study found here, being a regular coffee drinking lowers your risk of colorectal cancer by 26%.
  • Less risk of getting the gout if you are a regular coffee drinker, so says this study.

So for all you who felt like coffee is a bad thing, think again. Coffee, in moderation, has long-term health benefits.

We sell a cold brew and hot coffee here at Island Smoothie Cafe here in the Outer Banks NC.

One Reply to “Health Benefits of Coffee”

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